Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Support Your Local Soprano

Kandahar, Afghanistan

The USO tour brought us James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano) and Tony Sirico (Paulie Walnuts) this week.  Yesterday I waited for Tony to arrive at the USO stage -- they were supposed to arrive at 7p but were fashionably late.  I got called back to the hospital and as I climbed onto the boardwalk I nearly ran Tony over.  He was being incognito as long as he could, sneaking up behind people and snapping photos over people's shoulders at the crowd that had gathered.  The line for autographs snaked almost entirely around the boardwalk, and as I am not an "autograph guy" I bailed early.

This morning I was working on my ICU notes when my surgeon buddy Joe motioned for me to come quickly to the trauma bay.  Tony and Paulie were there, mobbed by our staff.  I wasn't quick enough on the draw to get my photo with da' guys, but I got to shake Paulie's hand and thank him for coming to support us.  I always liked Paulie's character the best.

It was really good for morale, you could feel it most of the day.

One request though guys: Like my friend Roy said, next time bring Meadow along, will ya!


  1. That's great! I liked Paulie too! The way he pointed was hilarious with his pinky ring!

  2. Tim- I've read your entire blog. I know you don't get many comments but I think a lot of people are reading this thing. I've found it really interesting. Keep up the great work- blogging and obviously helping people!
    Dan Green

  3. Thanks Dan! I do have the vague impression that there are more than just the 27 or so 'followers.' It's therapeutic and maybe someday my kids will be able to read it and have a much better idea what I was doing. Hope to make contact outside of cyberspace this upcoming fall. Q

    Oh, and Thanks Alison, my most frequent commenter...
