Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Kandahar, Afghanistan

We are getting more creative with our diversions.  Last Friday one of our surgeons teamed up with the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation committee to throw a luau.  We were trying to get another use out of the large blow up pool, the first being the first annual pool party.  Also, I had received from my wife some blow up palm trees which really added to the ambiance - had to find a use for them.  No one was silly enough to propose tiki torches.  This whole base is one giant piece of tinder, waiting to go up in flames.

We "procured" goat meat, chicken, and vegetables from a local source.   Let's just say it was very fresh goat.  Someone also picked up some local na'an bread - actually 50 of them.  They look like giant hippopotamus tongues, but taste much better I am sure.

Nothing says "luau" quite like barbequed goat-kebobs, NA beer, and hippo-na'an.  We whiled away the evening until sunset, then retreated to the NATO barracks.  I think it's safe to say we pulled off the lone luau in all of southwest Asia last Friday.

In this stunning sunset over the mountains that shield us from Kandahar city, one is reminded that in a country filled with ugly activities, there are moments of quiet beauty

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