Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Kandahar, Afghanistan

The Entire ROLE-3

39 days.  That's what someone told me on my last day of call this past Monday, so it's even less now until we depart this place.

39 has some sort of special quality to it.  Jesus wandered in the desert for 40 days and nights without food and water, tempted by Beelzebub.  It rained for 40 days and nights while Noah and his animals floated on the ark.  Heck, I'm down to 37 - I can make it!  We're sub-Biblical now, baby.

On the day I was told of 39 days I received notes from my daughters in the mail.  Zoe, the youngest, drew the picture above.  I believe it is a rendering of her but it she resembles Medusa in some vague way (of course she is a beautiful girl, especially to me).  She has written me several letters this deployment, many of which have included, "Dear Tim, I love you, love Zoe."  Via the cute little Medusa sketch by a charming five year old, I am reminded of how much I miss the girls and their mother, my wife.  37 days.  I am not alone in this department.

At the Northline Dining Facility, the "Troy" of DFACs

We have discussed among ourselves what we are going to do when we get back. Which food we crave most.  Steak on the grill.  A cold beer.  A fine glass of cabernet.  Thai food.  Pho (Vietnamese noodles - I may have been alone in that craving).

We discuss where we think we will go on vacation.  We talk about Kandahar reunions on the west coast, the east coast, Canada?

Some talk of the new cars they might buy, as many of us took the opportunity to sell our cars when we got our orders to come downrange.  I can't even imagine what driving will be like.  The other day I got to sit in a dusty, crappy old van which we commandeered to go to a distant DFAC.  It was so far that it had a Troy-like reputation: "yeah, I think there is supposed to be a wondrous DFAC on the other side of the runway over there... but I'm not sure.  I've only heard about it."  Sitting in the van was almost exciting.  Air conditioning, blowing on me in the 120 degree heat.  Odysseus on a trek to the far side of base. So weird.

Sushi.  That's what we are going to have.  In a little more than 37 days.


  1. Can't wait! We miss you so much.

  2. Hey Tim- thank you for the thank you note. Totally unnecessary but well appreciated! Hope to see you all at some point after you are back in the U.S.

  3. In N Out...Animal Style...the only way to do it.

  4. I hope I do get to see after your return. You are my hero. Your writing embodies your talent and disposition for prevailing in the most trying environment. I know you spent much of your training and career treating the wounds of our country's wars of the last ten years and expect to be facing these same wounds as you return from the wild realm of their origin. Thank God for you and all the men and women with whom you serve.
